Live near Concord? Come spend the evening with me and the wine curious on March 1.
Two more seats to fill at the seminar at West Concord Wines and Spirits.
The wines will be terrific and all have been written about in the newsletter so this is totally TFL recommended stuff.
2016 Arndorfer rosé
2014 du Pech ‘QV’ blanc
2015 Maison Belles Lies (Pierre Fenals) Aligoté
2015 Knives and Forks (Nestarec) Red
2015 Binner Pinot
2016 Populis Reversée.
And maybe I’ll do one of these blind against something else to blow your minds. Please sign up. This store is not about preaching to the choir, but to show them the power of natural. A full house would be super awesome! Wines poured will be for sale at a 20% discount
Come get a book, hang out, ask me what wines you should drink and of course, sign up for the newsletter.
March 2: Maine & Loire and Drifters Wife (with Chartrand Imports!)
March 3: Social Wines 3-5
March 4 Wine Bottega 3-5
Have a lovely weekend, see you in Boston!