No. 40: January 2018
The Wine Recommendations

Fable Farm Fermentory
2015 Koan
Where | Barnard, Vermont, United States |
Grape | Wild grapes, currants, apples |
Ag | Organic, Permaculture |
SO2 | None added |
Price | $20 |
Brothers from planet Vermont, Jonny and Christopher Piana are fascinating guys with brains on fire, and so is their cider. This year’s are worthy. Head out and quench your thirsts with whichever ones you can find, but the Koan spoke to my love of the sour. It’s an apple, wild grape blend. Aged in old barrel for eighteen months. I tasted when it was nubile, in one of those barrels a year ago. I remember a funk factory. Now, the finished cider is bone dry, with plenty of fruit on nose and tongue, barely a bubble and plenty complex. Also of note; the Asturian-esque Vinous Vinous. Sniff around for the Pronoia, which is a positive kind of paranoia. Give it a shot. In Canada, Les Vins Dame-Jeanne. In the United States, Zev Rovine Selections.

2016 Basque Country Cider
Where | The Basque, Spain |
Grape | Apples |
Ag | Organic (except for one sharp) |
SO2 | None added |
Price | $13 |
A while back, David Cascione fell in love with cider. He moved to the Basque to learn about it and make it. Then he fell in love with a woman. That’s how these joint ventures happen. It’s made by his mentor, Juan Inaxio Astiazaran with David’s help. The result is a kinder, gentler Basque cider with tamer volatility, less brett and more flesh. From local organic apples—except one sharp coming from conventional vineyards, comes a no-add cider, raised in large chestnut barrels. There is an ever-so-slight fizz and strong, fleshy apple taste. David imports directly through Barrika Imports.