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Arianna Occhipinti

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Arianna Occhipinti

Silvio Berlusconi, one of Italy’s most absurd moments, was in power for 9 years. An influence in the media for longer—he brought some anti-feminist, woman on stilts and boob job ideals to Italy in a way never before seen. While he was doing his best to create a trashy image of Italian femininity, an assortment of real women came in to their own. The Italian woman vignaioli were of an entirely different breed. And making them even more particular, they are friends and share a significant sisterhood. Four of them I’ve known for a while. I’ve drunk with them, walked their vines with them. In the past year I got to know each of them a bit better.

Who are they? Francesca Padovani, who with her sister started to map out a new Brunello in a very traditional and staid area. Elisabetta Foradori of Trentino, who with her quiet yogini presence and grace took over her father’s estate and found her voice in biodynamics and then eventually through clay. Elena Pantaleoni in Emilia-Romagna, who took over the estate from her father and upholds the art and fealty for long wine aging. And then there’s Arianna Occhipinti, the young warrior-like upstart. I’ll let you know more about Francesca, Elena and Elisabetta down the road but right now….