Willa and the Disciples

Camila Carrillo is in a “Please don’t pinch me, I might be dreaming and if I am, I don’t want to wake up” phase of her life. The 28-year-old has just closed on eight peaceful acres that will soon have a tiny house, vines, and fruit trees. She has released her second (minuscule) vintage, has a national importer and her boss Deirdre Heekin has made an honest woman out of her; Camila is an official partner in La Garagista winery. How did this come about for a young woman who didn’t believe she had what it took? There are obvious answers. Raw and undeniable talent. And for sure, the best memories ever of her time as a child, with her mother spending time at her abuelo’s his magical farm outside of Caracas. And then there was sparked curiosity. While at dinner at her high school boyfriend’s parents’ house. “They always had wine which seemed exotic and so civil,” she recalled. That memory stayed with her, even though the boyfriend didn’t.