Alberto Nanclares is an iconoclast in Albariño country, Rias Baixas. He boots the conventional wines in the ass. There’s lots of stuff inside this wine which comes from one parcel.... read more →
Folks, our friend Hank did it again. In this vintage of “cedarville,” the foot- stomped grapes turn into rusted pomegranate flavors, but it is elegant and graceful, as if the... read more →
Mike Roth has left Martian Ranch and that’s a good thing, because now he can develop into the vigneron he was meant to become. While he’s waiting for his vines... read more →
This is the third wine of Jeff Coutelou’s that I’ve recommended in two issues. A fan? I should say. This drinks a little tough and rough and shows alcohol, but... read more →
When I poured the wine by candlelight and the yeasty smell hit the air, my friend asked, what is that, beer? “Beer made with grapes,” I quipped. There was something... read more →
Château-Chalon is a bowl-like terroir, the most famed in the Jura. Everything made there is Vin Jaune: savagnin raised under a voile (veil—aka flor) for six years and three months... read more →
Fabrice Dodane is doing particularly beautiful work on the whites; the terroir shines through. From the melon queue to the 2008 sous voile, these should be on your scan. I... read more →
I sampled this in the States, in Slovenia and in France, and I did a double-take every time. The blend is pretty exciting. The fruit is co-fermented with 8 to... read more →
This wine has been absent in the United States. The reason, according to La Stoppa’s Elena Pantaleoni, is because of merlot and cabernet’s lack of popularity with those who look... read more →
The grapes get one month of skin fermentation. The wine ages for 18 months in barrel. Franz is a genius with blauer wildbacher, whether in this still wine or in... read more →