When extra acid is added to the wine to adjust for high pH.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_wine.
Descriptor often given when a wine tastes a bit sheepy, sometimes the result of some evidence of the yeast strain brettanomyces.
A yeast that can produce some animal aromas, tolerated and even celebrated in beers but in wine, has been demonized. It is undecided whether the sheepy-like smell and taste comes... read more →
A measurement of the fermentable sugars available in the grapes.
French for a grape variety
That powdery stuff in the wine glass you left on the counter overnight? That's the dry extract.
Wine futures, most often associated with Bordeaux pre-sale.
The yeast that, under proper conditions, forms on top of a wine while aging, typical in Jerez and the Jura. It both protects the wine yet mutes its florality, promoting... read more →
A large wooden barrel.