There are some things you just have to experience for yourself, and drinking in Copenhagen is one of them. Wine just taste so vibrant there. Is it the ocean? Is it the light? Is it the people? Who knows but wines were sparking with life, so much so that yes, I fell in love with natural again. My friend, John Wurdeman traveled from Georgia met me. We had forty-eight hours of hedonism, natural style. And yes, I did go to NOMA. And yes, it was worth it. And yes, Mads Kleppe, who I’ve known for a few years but never did he pour or choose wine for me, has my complete, professional respect. The meal was, yes, a luxury, but there was something different. This was an emotional meal that while not purely intellectual, not purely sensual, but provided the beautiful bridge to both.
Meanwhile, I’m busy writing up that report which brings me to now, or rather, then. In this week’s The Feiring Line there was the write up on the extravagant Brutal!! tasting held in my backyard.
You’ll want to read it, won’t you?