This is a brill lambrusco by some young dudes who started up in 2005. They use the charmat method. This captures the CO2 into a closed tank for its fizz... read more →
From a winery to watch, this is a nifty wine in the orange category. Only made in the best vintages because, as the winemaker says, the vines at over 80... read more →
If this wine were pie, it would be mixed berries, no sugar added, sprinkled with lemon—and then the savory, saucy tart would animate and jump dancing from its tin. The... read more →
The hills of Emilia are singing with excitement. And here I give you one winner from the 2016 Wine Without Walls Awards that I presided over at VinItaly. I love... read more →
The 2014s have hit the U.S., finally. Find brilliance in the face of what could go down as one of the worst vintages of the century. There’s the raised volatility... read more →