So many, and now I’m racing. Pascaline and I traveled west from Soave to Piemonte. Sigh. Is there a more beautiful place in the spring? So damned optimistic. Puffs of... read more →
In the area of Soave, where rarely an honest wine grows, there is a true defender of garganega. Hello madman Filippo Filippi. He lives and works the vines on the... read more →
On the way to the Salon from La Dive I took a little detour to see where François Saint-Lô perform his vini-magique—especially chenin blanc. I’ve been to a lot of Loire... read more →
Joe Dressner gets all of the credit for being the first importer of natural wine. But meanwhile, up in Rockland, Maine, Paul Chartrand Imports had to deal with idiots calling his... read more →
How did I miss talking about Tomoko showing me pruning strategy? After the devastation of the 2016 hail some people found healing in converting Guyot Simple to Guyot Poussard. Here... read more →
As I scanned my virtual parcels of photos that have stayed silent in my files over this year, I wanted to finally make the time to make it... read more →
Thirst Wine Merchants invites you to "get dirty" with me this Thursday, December 21st! This is part of their Third Thursday Wine Food & Share. Come and say hi. Buy a... read more →
Happy to announce that The Dirty Wine to Guide was one of five books Eric Asimov suggested for holiday gifting. He used the words exhilarating, useful and important. So, in a... read more →
“Veronelli is not your kind of thing, is he?” Lorena Ascencios, the grande dame wine buyer of Astor Wines, asked me this before a Chateau Le Puy tasting. I looked at her wide-eyed... read more →
Last week I received a random, really random, email from a woman who needed help. She wanted something to go with Thanksgiving salmon and was told to buy Caymus (didn’t... read more →